Sunday, April 10, 2011

60 Second Script

William and Kate's Royal Wedding To Do List

- Adele Garlasco here at CBS news ; getting ready for a big event in just a couple months. Prince William and Kate Middleton will become united on April 29. We thought we would help them out and take a look at the royal to do list. CBS royal contributor Victoria Arbuter is here to fill us in on the details. 

- Okay so lets get to the to do list. The first thing is the guest list.
- The guest list will not be made pubic before the wedding;so we will have to wait until the big day.

- Next on the to do list, Kate's dress, what do we know about that?

- Definitely a British desginer  but we don't know anything else at this point.

- Rings are a big issue in the to do list.

- she will be using gold from the nugget given by the the british royal legion in 1981

- and the cake is a big issue  as well

- I would imagine at the moment there is all sorts of delicious sampling being sent to Buckingham Palace

- Interesting stuff, Victoria Arbuter welcome to CBS, good to see you. we will be talking to you a lot over the next few months. Thank you for coming in 

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