Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hiromitsu Shinkawa, a 60 year old miracle survivor was found floating on top of his roof, two days after being stranded 10 miles at sea from an unforeseen Tsunami striking the heart of Japan.

 In the midst of all the tragic stories of death and destruction in the result of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a miraculous story appears shortly after.  A Japanese military vessel spotted Hiromitsu Shinkawa a 60 year old man who was floating on top of his roof stranded 10 miles at sea. He was found two days after the devastating tsunami hit the north-east coast of Japan. As the waves approached the town he and his wife quickly gathered their belongings. Just minutes later the waves were crashing, destroying the town in seconds. He saw his neighborhood float away right before his own eyes. Right before it couldn’t get any worse his wife was swept away from the waves but Shinkawa was destined to continue the struggle. He stayed afloat drifting though the debris from other houses and buildings. Throughout his journey he was constantly waving a red flag in hope of seeking help. Several helicopters and boats had passed by not noticing Shinkawa . Fortunately, he was lucky enough to get rescued. This is one of the most astonishing survival stories that emerged from this terrible disaster.


T.V.: In the midst of all the tragic stories of death and destruction in the result of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan a miraculous story appears shortly after. Hiromitsu Shinkawa, a 60 year old miracle survivor was found floating on top of his roof, two days after being stranded 10 miles at sea from an unforeseen Tsunami striking the heart of Japan. As the waves approached his town he and his wife were gathering their belongings hoping to survive this catastrophe. Minutes later Shinkawa saw the waves capture his wife. This didn’t stop him from losing hope; throughout his journey he was constantly waving a red flag in hope of seeking help. Several helicopters and boats had passed by not noticing Shinkawa. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to get rescued by a Japanese military vessel.

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